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Rooted in Christ. 
Ready for Tomorrow.

Your hands made me and fashioned me. Give me understanding, that I may learn Your commandments. 

Psalms 119:73



Discovery School's Mission & Vision drive our curriculum and unify our faculty.  We are committed to the integration of faith and learning, a commitment based on the conviction that God created us in his image to be lovers and learners of Him, of our neighbors and of all creation.  Each day we work to develop our students' "heads, hearts, and hands," buidling their knowledge, their characters, and their ability to practically apply what they learn. We accomplish this through a strong and Biblically integrated academic program. From Nursery to G13, students are taught that all subjects or disciplines originate from His creation and lead to fuller service of Him and his world.


Our goal is to be a truly Burundian school that incorporates the best of international curriculum and practice. Our program is primarily American, but all students study French and Kirundi in addition to English, and we still teach Burundian history, geography, and government.


In our preschool, the study of numbers and letters is integrated into thematic units about God’s world.  Students study butterflies, Lake Tanganyika, day and night, and many other topics.  The first week of the unit is taught in English and Kirundi, the second week of the same topic in French and Kirundi.


In the primary grades, English is the main language of instruction for all subjects from 7:30am-12:15pm with the exception of reading in P1 and P2 (research shows students read better in all languages if they learn to read in their mother tongue first) and a short Kirundi course in the other primary grades.  Students return after lunch several times each week to study French, and Swahili is included during a small portion of these afternoon hours.  


Our secondary school is divided into two levels, middle school and high school.  Students take the IOWA test at the end of middle school, and the SAT at the end of high school.

For more information about our secondary program, please view this pdf

of our secondary program brochure.   

In addition, we offer special education, or special in-school lessons for struggling students in P1-G9.  Click here to learn more.

Each day we work to develop our students "heads, hearts, and hands," buildng their knowledge, their characters, and their ability to practically apply what they learn.
Specal Ed

Rooted in Christ. Ready for Tomorrow.

"Rooted in Christ, Ready for Tomorrow"

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Christian Pre-school, Primary, and Secondary School
Gihosha, Bujumbura, Burundi

© 2022

Discovery School Burundi

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