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Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

And whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me.
Matthew 18:3-5



Thank you for your interest in Discovery School!  Whether your child is just beginning their education or considering a new educational experience, we invite you to explore the ideas, and faces that make Discovery School so vibrant and unique. We are grounded in a tradition of holistic education that equips young people to face a changing world in light of unchanging wisdom.


We are committed to fostering an environment where young people can develop their bodies, minds and spirits under the competent and loving guidance of faculty who are called, gifted and educated to lead students to love God, know themselves and serve their world. 



Rooted in Christ. Ready for Tomorrow.

"Rooted in Christ, Ready for Tomorrow"

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Christian Pre-school, Primary, and Secondary School
Gihosha, Bujumbura, Burundi

© 2022

Discovery School Burundi

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